
“With Allegro TimingVision, the routing process has sped up dramatically, from four weeks, down to four days,”

Bill Munroe - Cavium


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The Cadence solution reduces our PCB development time by 80 percent

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OrCAD  PCB Productivity Toolbox

is a comprehensive suite of utilities seamlessly integrated with OrCAD PCB Editor that improves the overall productivity and efficiency of PCB layout designers. It provides PCB designers with a collection of design- time- reducing functions as well as advanced design- function enablers that enhance and optimize existing PCB layout capabilities.

Polar Grids

Polar grids can be used to efficiently layout PCBs which require circular placement and routing. Placement, routing, and shape editing can be performed using a defined polar grid. 


Label Tune

Automatically adjust component reference designators, values, part numbers, and more for improved readability. Automatic rotation, centering, fitting, and mirroring as well as various options for block size, block height, and boundary clearances saves time when creating assembly drawings and improves readability on the PCB.

The full list of modules includes:


Advanced Mirror

Barcode Generator

Batch plot

Assign Net to Via

Change Width

Class Color

Cross Copy

Design Compare

Change Drawing Size

Highlight Dummy Pins

Edge Plating

Padstack Finder

Label Tune

Net Color View

Padstack Usage

PCB Library Plot

Polar Grid

Post Processing

Quick Symbol Edit

Shape Utilities

SVG Export

Advanced Cross Section Chart


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