Steve’s Advanced Headphone Course

September 25, 2018 admin

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    Headphone – advanced course.
    We are going to take the headphone design that you completed as part of the basic tutorial (if you did not complete this then go to and create the
    base headphone design) then copy it 4 times using the complex hierarchy features of OrCAD Capture. We will then add an FPGA, some DDR memory (including it’s associated decoupling). We will also add a power supply and USB output connector to show examples of differential pairs in the OrCAD PCB tools.

    Attached is a zip folder that contains the schematic symbols and PCB footprints that are used in this design that are not part of the default Cadence libraries. You can choose to either use these libraries
    or alternatively make your own using the datasheets provided in the zip file. No instructions will be given in this tutorial for the library creation. For further information on schematic part creation refer
    to the default OrCAD Capture User guide.

    Libraries Zip file

    For further information for PCB Footprint and padstack creation either refer to the default PCB Editor documentation or alternatively watch the following videos:-
    How to create schematic symbols –
    How to create Padstacks –
    How to create footprints – (start watching from 3.00 minutes, the first part covers a wizard method).