Iota Electronics - Cadence Design House
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Iota Electronics
Iota Electronics has the capability to transform your concept into a working product suitable for your market.
Established in 2006, it has developed and helped to develop many products including Digital Signage Displays from 8" to 82", Touchscreen Kiosks, LED Display, Diagnostic Monitoring Products with Ethernet, Wifi, 3G and GPRS communications, Industrial Control Boards, Security products, Power over Ethernet hubs and terminals, battery powered handheld terminals and many novel Microcontroller based product solutions.
Iota Electronics Limited was founded in 2006 as a result of the founder Mark Rosier having worked many years with a dynamic plastics and mechanical design rapid prototyping and manufacturing company called Iota Developments Limirted ( It was recognised that there was an enormous potential to develop the companies as a partnership to offer a full concept to manufacturing product development service.
Iota Electronics and Iota Developments can show you a track record of successful products that have been developed jointly, including during the period before the formation of the partnership.
Iota Electroncs also offers services as a standalone electronics design consultancy. The types of design are varied and include the design of Display Systems, Embedded computers and controllers, communication systems using a solid base of Hardware, Firmware and Software skills.
Iota Electronics Limited prides itself in offering its customers the highest level of innovative support throughout the product lifecycle, from the moment a product idea emerges to the day that the product is no longer required. This means:
- help during the concept stages to understand costs, regulatory requirements, form and function, rapid development of early prototypes,
- control during the design stages to ensure that the product will meets its time to market requirementsa
- assistance to move the product from prototype, pre-production to full manufacturing
- availability to solve any component sourcing, design, product quality, obsolescence and any other issues which may affect the production of the product
Phone: +44(0)1793 324247
Mobile +44(0)7920 257640
Iota Electronics Limited
243 Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 1NN United Kingdom
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